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The Divine Magic of the Golden Rosicrucians

English version
38,00 €

The DIVINE MAGIC of the Golden Rosicrucians.

More than 3 copies.

Limited printing 100 copies. reliure, slice file and bookmark. format 170 x 240 cm. 88 pages and color illustrations. I.S.B.N. : 979-10-92176-90-2.

The Magia Divina is a short Magico-Alchemical treatise from the first generation of the Brotherhood of the Golden Rosy-Cross (Gold und Rozenkreutzer) of the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

The center of this whole work, be the shaping of a Magic Mirror they call “Urim et Thumin”, which is made with the famous Electrum Magicum, especially employment of the Four Philosophers Stones from the 4 kingdoms, namely “Animal, Plant, Mineral and Astral”.

Thus, the manufacturing process and uses of Magic Bell allowing the convocation of the Regent Angels of the Planets, a Magic Ring detecting poisons, a Ball and a Baguette to find treasures and buried precious metals, or the manufacture of an Invincible Sword, are described in detail.

A long illustrated chapter is devoted to the animation of Planetary Statues. Another chapter deals with the creation of Homonculus, these artificially “little men” made from human blood and Astral and Plant Philosophical Stones, as well as another short chapter concerns the Guardian Angel, how to know his Name, and how to get in touch with him through the famous Urim and Thumin.

Table of chapters

Introduction of the Editor

Divine Magic,



Urim and Thumim,

How the Urim and the Thumim must be cast and prepared and, especially, how to prepare the Electrum Magicum necessary for its casting,

How to use the Urim and the Thumim,

A Magic Ring: how to prepare it and for what it serves,

Appendice I: Perpetual lamp, Censer, Apron, Toga, etc.

How can you know and meet your Guardian Angel,

On the Homonculis Philosophieci: what it really is and how to generate it?

How to make a Perpetuum Mobile Naturæ,

Appendice 2, manufacture of magic utensils with the Electrum Magicum,

On the Magic Bell of the Angels, of the Seven Princes of the Planets: how to summon the Angels of the order of Thrones, and how the two Bells must be prepared

The colors must be prepared as follows:

On the Holy Angels of the Order of Thrones and how to prepare their little Bells,

How to cast Magic Statues according to the Seven Planets Statues which the children of Israel used to worship in the High Places,

The Sun Statue,

The Statue of Moon,

Statue of Mars,

The Statue of Venus,

The Statue of Mercury,

The Statue of Jupiter,

The Statue of Saturn,

How to prepare an Invincible Sword out of Electrum Magicum,

How to make a Magic Ball wherewith to obtain whatever is under the Earth,

How to make a Metallic Divination Stick with which is obtained everything that is hidden under the earth,